Friday, December 10, 2010

Red Ballet Shoes - modified

Obviously these were too big, so I had a bit of a cut and snip with them to make them into a ballet shoe I'd like to see. :-)


  1. Your are asking whether bigger feet or smaller shoes will make this better. I tend to think the shoes must fit the lady, so I guess smaller shoes for you would be in order. Your ability to wear these, by the way, is remarkable, admirable and very feminine.

  2. Hi Egghead!

    Really the only reason I cut them up was because they were so big on me. I am a cheeky thing and tend to state the bleeding obvious ... in a deadpan way.

    When I started to wear the ballet heels, these shoes actually did fit, but as my foot contracted into the shoes after wearing them so often, I needed smaller sizes. Oddly enough I still take the same size pump. :-D
